Enkidu – Guardian of Time

steampunk robot

The clanking, hissing sounds of steam engines echoed through the iron alleys of Uruk, now a sprawling metropolis of brass gears and towering smokestacks. The city was a far cry from the ancient cradle of civilisation Enkidu once knew. He stood in the shadows, hidden beneath a cloak stitched from the tanned hides of animals long extinct, watching the mechanical marvels with a mix of awe and melancholy.

Centuries ago, Enkidu had been a wild man, created by the gods from clay to rival the strength of King Gilgamesh. Their friendship had been legendary, their adventures eternalised in epic tales. But time, that relentless thief, had taken everything from Enkidu—everything except his life. Cursed or blessed with immortality by the capricious gods, he now wandered through the ages, witnessing the rise and fall of civilisations.

Enkidu’s heart, once fierce and untamed, now carried the weight of countless lifetimes. Every invention, every technological marvel he saw, was a testament to human ingenuity and the passage of time that left him behind. He had loved and lost more times than he could remember, and the pain of outliving all he cherished was a constant ache.

As Enkidu moved through the city, he marvelled at the transformation that had taken place. Uruk was no longer the ancient kingdom he had roamed with Gilgamesh; it had evolved into a mechanised labyrinth of progress and innovation. Steam-powered carriages rattled down cobblestone streets, and towering automatons patrolled the avenues, their brass exteriors glinting in the hazy sunlight. Airships floated above, casting shadows over the bustling marketplaces where merchants hawked their wares—goods that Enkidu could never have imagined in his youth.

Despite the city’s grandeur, a sense of profound isolation clung to Enkidu. The faces of the people around him were unfamiliar, their customs and languages alien. He was a relic, a living anachronism in a world that had moved on without him. The immortality that had once seemed a gift now felt like a prison, each new era a reminder of his detachment from the mortal coil.

In the quiet moments, Enkidu often found himself reflecting on his past. He remembered the thrill of the hunt, the feel of the wind against his skin as he raced through the forests with his animal kin. Those days of untamed freedom were a stark contrast to the mechanical rigidity of the present. He thought of Gilgamesh, his brother-in-arms, and the epic quests they had undertaken together. The bond they had shared was deeper than friendship; it was a connection forged in the crucible of divine destiny. But even the mightiest of friendships could not withstand the ravages of time.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the city’s lights flickered to life, Enkidu stood at the edge of a massive iron bridge. Below, the river Tigris flowed as it had for millennia, a constant amidst the changing landscape. He gazed at the water, its surface reflecting the city’s glow, and felt a pang of nostalgia. The river had witnessed the birth of Uruk, and now it bore silent witness to its transformation.

A young girl approached Enkidu, her eyes wide with curiosity. She held a small, mechanical bird in her hands, its wings flapping gently. “Mister, are you lost?” she asked, her voice tinged with innocence.

Enkidu smiled, a bittersweet expression crossing his weathered face. “No, little one,” he replied softly. “Just remembering.”

The girl tilted her head, puzzled by the enigmatic answer, but she soon scampered away, her laughter echoing in the night air. Enkidu watched her go, a reminder of the resilience and continuity of life. Children like her represented hope, a new generation that would carry the torch of humanity forward.

As he turned to leave, Enkidu felt a flicker of something he had not felt in a long time—purpose. Perhaps his immortality was not just a curse but an opportunity to guide and protect, to ensure that the wisdom of the past was not lost amidst the innovations of the future. He would continue to wander, not as a relic, but as a guardian of history, a bridge between epochs.

With renewed resolve, Enkidu stepped back into the bustling streets of Uruk, ready to face the challenges of a world forever in flux. The clanking and hissing of steam engines continued their symphony, a testament to the indomitable spirit of progress, and Enkidu, the timeless observer, walked on, embracing the journey ahead.

The Scholar

Enkidu’s footsteps were silent as he approached the grand library of Uruk, a towering edifice of iron and glass that loomed over the ancient city like a sentinel of knowledge. The structure was a blend of the old and new, its iron framework a testament to modern ingenuity, while its glass walls allowed the light to illuminate the treasures within. As he stepped inside, the air greeted him with the familiar scent of old parchment, a comforting aroma that mingled with the faint tang of machine oil from the myriad devices scattered throughout the library.

He had come seeking knowledge, yearning to understand a world that had evolved beyond recognition. This place, a sanctuary of wisdom and innovation, promised answers to the questions that had plagued him for centuries. Enkidu found solace in the company of Dr. Elianna Voss, a brilliant scholar whose insatiable curiosity mirrored his own. Her office, tucked away in a quiet corner of the library, was a cluttered haven of ancient texts and modern blueprints, a microcosm of the world’s past and future.

As he entered, Dr. Voss looked up from her workbench, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of intrigue and scepticism. She was a woman of remarkable intellect, her keen mind always seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Her voice tinged with a soft German accent, broke the silence. “Ah, the wild man of the past,” she greeted warmly. “What brings you to my sanctuary today?”

Enkidu pulled back his hood, revealing eyes that had witnessed millennia. They were eyes that had seen empires rise and fall, eyes that held the weight of countless memories. “Elianna, I seek to understand this world that has left me behind,” he began, his voice tinged with melancholy. “The machines, the steam, the iron… What drives humanity to such lengths?”

She smiled, setting aside the delicate gear she had been examining. “Curiosity, ambition, survival,” she replied thoughtfully. “Much like you in your time, we strive to conquer the unknown. But tell me, Enkidu, what do you seek to conquer?”

He hesitated, the burden of his existence pressing heavily upon him. “Immortality is a burden, Elianna,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Everything I have loved is dust. I seek to understand if there is an end to this curse or if there is a way to live with it.”

Dr. Voss leaned back in her chair, considering his words. “Immortality,” she mused, “is both a gift and a curse. It offers endless possibilities but also endless sorrow. The key, perhaps, is not to seek an end but to find purpose in the journey. To seek knowledge, to contribute to the world, to find new things to love and cherish.”

Her words resonated with Enkidu, igniting a spark of hope within him. He had spent so long mourning the past that he had forgotten the potential of the present. “Perhaps you are right,” he said slowly. “Perhaps it is not about seeking an end, but about finding a new beginning.”

Dr. Voss nodded, her expression softening. “Exactly. The world may have changed, but the essence of existence remains the same. We are all seekers, driven by a desire to understand and to leave our mark on the world.”

Enkidu felt a sense of clarity wash over him. He had come seeking answers, and while he had not found all he sought, he had found a new direction. “Thank you, Elianna,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. “You have given me much to ponder.”

As he left the grand library of Uruk, Enkidu felt a renewed sense of purpose. The world was vast and ever-changing, but it was also filled with endless possibilities. And perhaps, in this modern age of iron and glass, he could find a way to live with his immortality, to find new meaning and new joys in the journey ahead.

The Iron Colossus

Days turned into weeks as Enkidu delved into the mysteries of steam and steel under Elianna’s expert guidance. Together, they poured over ancient texts and modern schematics, searching for the elusive answers they sought. Elianna, with her fiery intellect and unyielding determination, was the perfect mentor for Enkidu, whose strength and resilience were unparalleled. Their partnership, though unconventional, thrived in the shared quest for knowledge and discovery.

One night, as the city’s grand clock tower chimed midnight, Elianna unveiled a meticulously crafted plan. Her eyes shone with a mix of excitement and trepidation, the weight of her discovery evident in her voice.

“Enkidu,” she began, her tone both urgent and hopeful, “I’ve been studying the myths and legends, your stories interwoven with our history.” She unrolled a large, weathered parchment across the table, its surface covered in intricate diagrams and ancient symbols. “There is a legend of an Iron Colossus, a machine created to bridge the gap between man and god. If we can find it, perhaps it holds the key to your immortality.”

Enkidu’s eyes, usually so stoic, lit up with a glimmer of hope. His heart, though immortal, beat faster at the prospect of finding the elusive solution to his ageless existence. “Where do we begin?” he asked, his voice a blend of eagerness and determination.

Their journey led them deep into the heart of the city, far beneath the bustling streets to the forgotten catacombs that lay in shadows. The air grew colder and the walls more oppressive as they ventured further, guided by Elianna’s extensive knowledge and Enkidu’s keen instincts. Every step echoed with the whispers of history, the past intertwining with their present.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of navigating the labyrinthine passages, they uncovered a hidden chamber. The flickering light of their lanterns cast eerie shadows on the walls as they stepped inside, revealing the colossal figure that dominated the room. The Iron Colossus stood silent and dormant, its towering form covered in a fine layer of dust, undisturbed for centuries.

Elianna approached the automaton with a mix of reverence and curiosity. Her fingers, delicate yet determined, traced the ancient inscriptions on the Colossus’s chest. “It speaks of a soul, a heart of fire, and the breath of life,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “This machine was built to house a fragment of divinity.”

Enkidu stepped forward, his immortal heart pounding in his chest like a war drum. The significance of the moment was not lost on him. “What must we do?” he asked, his voice steady but charged with anticipation.

Elianna turned to face him, her eyes filled with a fierce resolve. “First, we need to understand these inscriptions fully,” she said, gesturing to the symbols that adorned the Colossus. “They likely hold the instructions for awakening it. We must decipher them and prepare the necessary materials.”

Over the next few days, the chamber became their sanctuary. Enkidu, with his unyielding endurance, tirelessly moved and organised the heavy machinery while Elianna, with her scholarly prowess, meticulously translated the ancient texts. They worked in harmony, their efforts synchronised by a shared goal.

As they unravelled the secrets of the inscriptions, a clearer picture began to emerge. The Colossus required a powerful energy source, a ‘heart of fire,’ to be reignited. Elianna speculated that a rare mineral, known as Elysian Ember, might serve this purpose. The Ember said to contain the essence of the sun, was believed to have been lost to time, but legends hinted at its presence in the deepest, most treacherous parts of the catacombs.

Determined to find the Elysian Ember, Enkidu and Elianna prepared for the perilous expedition. The catacombs were a maze of dangers, from unstable passages to ancient traps designed to ward off intruders. Armed with knowledge and driven by necessity, they descended further into the subterranean depths.

Days blended into nights as they navigated the treacherous terrain. The journey tested their resolve, but their combined strength and wit saw them through. At long last, they reached a cavern bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. In its centre lay a cluster of radiant crystals pulsating with an otherworldly light—the Elysian Ember.

Enkidu carefully extracted the largest crystal, its warmth seeping into his skin, a stark contrast to the cold, oppressive air of the catacombs. With their prize in hand, they made their way back to the chamber of the Iron Colossus.

Elianna, her face illuminated by the Ember’s glow, placed the crystal into a socket at the heart of the Colossus. “This is it,” she said, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. “If the legends are true, this should reawaken the Colossus.”

Enkidu stood beside her, his hand resting on the Colossus’s cold metal surface. “I’m ready,” he said, his voice steady.

As Elianna activated the mechanism, the Ember’s light intensified, spreading through the Colossus like wildfire. The ancient machine began to hum, its dormant systems coming to life. The ground trembled as the Colossus moved, its eyes glowing with a fiery intensity.

Elianna and Enkidu watched in awe as the Iron Colossus stood fully awakened, a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of those who came before them. Elianna’s eyes met Enkidu’s, a silent understanding passing between them. This was just the beginning.

Heart of Fire

The days that followed were a blur of feverish activity. Elianna laboured tirelessly to restore the Colossus, her dedication unwavering as she deciphered the ancient mechanisms and seamlessly integrated them with the advanced steam technology of their time. The task was monumental, requiring not only technical prowess but also an intuitive understanding of the relic’s ancient magic. Enkidu, with his boundless strength and profound knowledge of old, played an indispensable role, recalling rituals and incantations that had long faded into obscurity. His memories were a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, guiding Elianna through the labyrinthine challenges that arose.

Every moment was a race against time, each success a step closer to a miracle. Elianna’s fingers danced over the intricate mechanisms, her mind a whirl of calculations and theories. She and Enkidu worked in harmonious synchrony, their combined efforts a testament to the fusion of past and present, of myth and machinery.

Finally, the day arrived when the Colossus stood ready. The air was thick with anticipation as Elianna held the heart of fire—a crystalline shard that pulsed with an otherworldly glow. With a mixture of reverence and resolve, she inserted the shard into the Colossus’s chest. The machine shuddered, its ancient gears turning and steam hissing as it awoke from its centuries-long slumber. It was as if the Colossus drew its first breath, a behemoth reanimated, poised on the brink of history.

Enkidu stood before the Colossus, feeling a profound connection that transcended time itself. His gaze locked onto the massive form, a flood of emotions coursing through him. “What now?” he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper, heavy with centuries of yearning and unspoken questions.

Elianna, sensing the gravity of the moment, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You must commune with it, Enkidu. Share your essence, your immortality. Perhaps it can provide the answers you seek.”

Drawing a deep breath, Enkidu reached out, his hand meeting the cold, unyielding metal of the Colossus. A surge of energy coursed through him, a sensation both familiar and alien. Memories cascaded before his eyes—of Gilgamesh, of battles fought and loves lost, of the unending march of time and the relentless tide of history.

The Colossus’s eyes glowed with a brilliant, almost blinding light as it spoke, its voice a resonant echo that seemed to emanate from the very core of the earth. “Enkidu, the wild man of the past, you seek release from your eternal burden. To find peace, you must embrace your immortality not as a curse but as a gift. Use it to guide humanity, to protect and inspire. In doing so, you will find solace.”

Tears streamed down Enkidu’s face as he stepped back, the colossal weight of his centuries-old existence lifting. His heart swelled with gratitude and clarity. “Thank you,” he whispered, a newfound purpose blooming within him like the first light of dawn.

Enkidu emerged from the catacombs, the morning sun casting a golden glow over the ancient city of Uruk. The sight that greeted him was a blend of antiquity and progress: steam engines chugged along the cobbled streets, their rhythmic hum a testament to the city’s relentless march towards the future. The gears of progress were turning ever forward, but now, Enkidu perceived it all with new eyes.

His immortality was not a curse to bear but a sacred duty to embrace. He had been bestowed with eternal life not to suffer but to serve as a guardian of time, a bridge between the past and the future. With Elianna by his side, he vowed to use his vast knowledge and formidable strength to protect the world and its people. He would be a sentinel against the recurrence of past mistakes, a beacon of hope and wisdom in a world ever teetering on the brink of change.

As he walked through the bustling streets, the vibrant life of Uruk unfolded around him. Vendors called out their wares, children laughed and played, and the hum of machinery mingled with the chatter of its citizens. Enkidu felt a sense of peace he had not known for millennia. For the first time in ages, he felt truly connected to the world around him, a part of its ceaseless evolution. He was a steampunk sentinel, an eternal guardian, and his heart swelled with a profound sense of belonging.

And for the first time in countless ages, Enkidu smiled. It was a smile born of newfound purpose and hope, a silent promise to the world he had vowed to protect. The future stretched out before him, not as an endless expanse of loneliness but as a canvas of infinite possibilities. With Elianna at his side, Enkidu was ready to face whatever lay ahead, confident in his role as the Guardian of Time.

Author: Neil Morrison

Outside, falling off things.

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